cp -p not preserving timestamp
(troppo vecchio per rispondere)
2024-08-21 08:13:55 UTC
I would like to cp a file created in 2002 (linux mint 21.2)
from srcdir [local HDD "UUID=5AAAA.. /mnt/srcdir ntfs-3g" in fstab]
to destdir [network share "//192.168.xx.xx /mnt/destdir ... cifs ..." in
preserving the original creation date (2002)

cp -p /mnt/srcdir/FILE.jpg /mnt/destdir/FILE.jpg

Unfortunately the timestamp on the destination is not preserved (it is
For sure I'm doing something wrong ... but cannot find where and what
THANKS for any help !
cp -p /mnt/srcdir/FILE.jpg /mnt/srcdir/FILE_COPIED.jpg
/mnt/srcdir/FILE_COPIED.jpg mantains the original timestamp

boring details :
source: ll /mnt/srcdir/FILE.jpg
-rwxrwxrwx 1 MYSELF MYSELF 262958 Jun 8 2002 /mnt/srcdir/FILE.jpg*
dest: ll /mnt/destdir/FILE.jpg
-rwxrwxrwx 1 MYSELF MYSELF 262958 Aug 21 08:44 /mnt/destdir/FILE.jpg*
and : stat /mnt/destdir/FILE.jpg
File: /mnt/destdir/FILE.jpg
Size: 262958 Blocks: 520 IO Block: 1048576 regular file
Device: 35h/53d Inode: 81137270 Links: 1
Access: (0777/-rwxrwxrwx) Uid: ( 1000/ MYSELF) Gid: ( 1000/
Access: 2024-08-21 08:44:09.535219100 +0200
Modify: 2024-08-21 08:44:07.395050200 +0200
Change: 2024-08-21 08:44:07.395050200 +0200
Birth: 2024-08-21 08:44:06.375153700 +0200
2024-08-21 10:31:53 UTC
Post by ambaraba
I would like to cp a file created in 2002 (linux mint 21.2)
from srcdir [local HDD "UUID=5AAAA.. /mnt/srcdir ntfs-3g" in fstab]
to destdir [network share "//192.168.xx.xx /mnt/destdir ... cifs ..." in
preserving the original creation date (2002)
cp -p /mnt/srcdir/FILE.jpg /mnt/destdir/FILE.jpg
Unfortunately the timestamp on the destination is not preserved (it is
You are copying to a remote folder and the command has no ability to
manipulate the destination timestamp. That's the problem.
2024-08-21 15:14:25 UTC
Post by sm
You are copying to a remote folder and the command has no ability to
manipulate the destination timestamp. That's the problem.
Se possiamo continuare in italiano chiedo:
Come copiare da disco locale a share di rete un file mantenendo il
timestamp originale ?
Ho provato "dd" e "rsync -vuart" ma in entrambi i casi la data e' quella
Idem usando "freefilesync" :-(
Comunque : *grazie* x l'attenzione :-)
2024-08-21 15:44:04 UTC
Post by ambaraba
Post by sm
You are copying to a remote folder and the command has no ability to
manipulate the destination timestamp. That's the problem.
Come copiare da disco locale a share di rete un file mantenendo il
timestamp originale ?
Ho provato "dd" e "rsync -vuart" ma in entrambi i casi la data e' quella
Idem usando "freefilesync" :-(
Comunque : *grazie* x l'attenzione :-)
Temo che il problema sia cifs. Anzi certamente è lui, ma non so dirti se
c'è soluzione.
Valerio Vanni
2024-08-21 21:54:50 UTC
Post by ambaraba
Post by sm
You are copying to a remote folder and the command has no ability to
manipulate the destination timestamp. That's the problem.
Dato che siamo su un gruppo it.*, la cosa strana è il primo messaggio
in inglese.
Post by ambaraba
Come copiare da disco locale a share di rete un file mantenendo il
timestamp originale ?
Ho provato "dd" e "rsync -vuart" ma in entrambi i casi la data e' quella
Probabilmente è il server cifs che fa orecchie da mercante.
Facendo una ricerca, vedo che ci sono stati diversi cambi di rotta
nelle versioni di Samba.

Potresti provare a approfondire sulla versione che usi lato server.
Ci sono 10 tipi di persone al mondo: quelle che capiscono il sistema binario
e quelle che non lo capiscono.
2024-08-21 14:51:28 UTC
Post by ambaraba
I would like to cp a file created in 2002 (linux mint 21.2)
Oh mmmm##### sbagliato newsgroup !
Piergiorgio Sartor
2024-08-21 17:40:59 UTC
Post by ambaraba
I would like to cp a file created in 2002 (linux mint 21.2)
from srcdir [local HDD "UUID=5AAAA.. /mnt/srcdir  ntfs-3g" in fstab]
to destdir [network share "//192.168.xx.xx /mnt/destdir ... cifs ..." in
preserving the original creation date (2002)
cp -p /mnt/srcdir/FILE.jpg /mnt/destdir/FILE.jpg
Unfortunately the timestamp on the destination is not preserved (it is
For sure I'm doing something wrong ... but cannot find where and what
THANKS for any help !
cp -p /mnt/srcdir/FILE.jpg /mnt/srcdir/FILE_COPIED.jpg
/mnt/srcdir/FILE_COPIED.jpg mantains the original timestamp
source: ll /mnt/srcdir/FILE.jpg
-rwxrwxrwx 1 MYSELF MYSELF 262958 Jun  8  2002 /mnt/srcdir/FILE.jpg*
dest: ll /mnt/destdir/FILE.jpg
-rwxrwxrwx 1 MYSELF MYSELF 262958 Aug 21 08:44 /mnt/destdir/FILE.jpg*
and : stat  /mnt/destdir/FILE.jpg
  File: /mnt/destdir/FILE.jpg
  Size: 262958        Blocks: 520        IO Block: 1048576 regular file
Device: 35h/53d    Inode: 81137270    Links: 1
Access: (0777/-rwxrwxrwx)  Uid: ( 1000/      MYSELF)   Gid: ( 1000/ MYSELF)
Access: 2024-08-21 08:44:09.535219100 +0200
Modify: 2024-08-21 08:44:07.395050200 +0200
Change: 2024-08-21 08:44:07.395050200 +0200
 Birth: 2024-08-21 08:44:06.375153700 +0200
In Inglese?

Ad ogni modo, non dipende, come gia` scritto,
da "cp" solamente.

Se hai, per esempio, un filesystem *senza*
timestamp, come farebbe "cp" a mantenerli?
